Jim Radcliffe sent in the following and with permission, I’m sharing it.
“I purchased a Citrus-Remex seat for my husband moments ago. 2 years ago I participated in a rowing trip to PEI and Nova Scotia. Participants were from throughout the USA, and several from Denmark. During one part of the row I was in the coxswain seat. At one point the woman (from Denmark) in the stroke seat decided she needed to stop rowing, so while still rowing we swapped seats.
When I sat down in the seat (as the boat was moving) I was very pleasantly surprised that I sat down onto a very comfortable seat. I asked the Denmark lady, now in the cox seat, what kind of pad I was sitting on. It was a Citius-Remex! That night while in my hotel room, I went online and ordered mine. I have used it every row since. As others have said, it is the best seat pad I have used. I’m known among my fellow masters rec rowers in our club as the guy who always finds the pads, watches, mirrors and other aids for those of us getting older. The CR pad is one of those items. I would not row without it! I had not found a comfortable seat pad until finding this. The gel pods work a little bit, but not all the time. The foam pads have you sit higher in the seat, and then compress. And when we participate in the 30K per day rows, it isn’t legs, core or arms that giver out. It is always the butt! Citius-Remex makes it bearable.”
Get one for the special rower in your life!